George Barrett

Software Projects

DMX Lighting Control Application

This is my current dissertation project towards my degree. It is my aim to develop a DMX lighting control system that works collaboratively between multiple mobile devices. You can keep up to date with this project by visiting my blog.

Battle City

Battle City

I led the team behind the Battle City group project during the second year of my degree. The task was to re-create the classic game "Battle City" and incorporate AI into the enemy tanks, something that wasn't implemented in the original. The enemy tanks had attack strategies programmed in, such as one tank acting as a decoy, or having all the tanks surround the player. The project was coded in Java, and went on to be nominated for Best Group Project on the course.

Extreme Pong

Extreme Pong

This was a project developed during the second year of my degree as an introcuction to C++ programming. It is an implementation of Pong, with the option to play a single player mode, with adjustable difficulty for the computer opponent, or as two-player.